Tag Archives: Fortnight 4 Freedom

Program #0326 for Monday, June 25, 2012: Religious Liberty and the HHS Mandate

June 25, 2012

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Summary of today’s show: The HHS mandate of the Affordable Care Act is an unprecedented infringement on religious liberty, according to a wide cross-section of religious leaders and political observers. Scot Landry talks to Kim Daniels, an attorney who specializes in religious liberty issues and coordinator for Catholic Voices USA, about the HHS mandate and […]

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Program #0324 for Thursday, June 21, 2012: Fortnight for Freedom; Changes at The Anchor; Choose Life license plates; Dot-Catholic

June 21, 2012

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Summary of today’s show: On our Thursday show, Scot Landry, Susan Abbott, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy considered the news headlines of the week, including the start of the Fortnight for Freedom; the end of Fr. Roger Landry’s tenure as editor of The Anchor; the deadline looming for Choose Life license plates; and the […]

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Program #0315 for Thursday, June 7, 2012: Fortnight 4 Freedom; Renewal of marriage vows; Theological certificates; Priest assignments in Fall River; World Meeting of Families

June 7, 2012

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Summary of today’s show: On our Thursday show, Scot Landry, Fr. Roger Landry, and Gregory Tracy considered the news headlines of the week as they appear in The Pilot and The Anchor newspapers, including the upcoming Fortnight 4 Freedom, including a televised town hall with Cardinal Seán; A celebration of marriage anniversaries at Holy Cross […]

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