When Faith Feels Fragile: Best of TGCL Program #0641C for Friday, December 27, 2013

When Faith Feels Fragile

When Faith Feels Fragile

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To end the year and begin the new one, The Good Catholic Life is bringing you some of our favorite shows from 2013. We will return on January 6 with an all-new show for the new year.

Today we bring you an encore presentation of our interview with Fr. Scott Hurd, vicar general for the Anglican ordinariate in North America, who talks to Scot Landry and Fr. Matt Williams about his background as an Episcopalian priest, husband, and father who converted to Catholicism and was ordained in the Church. Fr. Hurd also discussed his new book, “When Faith Feels Fragile: Help for the Wary, Weak and Wandering.”

Complete shownotes may be found on the original airdate’s show page.

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